Sunday, December 26, 2010

Israel 2010 What Bugs Me

The weather in this area is unbelievable. The nights are cool enough to snuggle under the comforters, and the days are just perfect for opening the windows and leaving the sweaters behind.

The bugs seem mostly non existent. I saw one tiny mosquito, but have not been bitten. The ants are similiar to the ones I grew up with, before the fire ants took over. They are big and very busy at their work and unconcerned with me.

Now flies.....they are not very often, but when you have one, they are way too persistent and totally with bad timing, like when my hands are full, one will lite on my face, shoo him away, 10 seconds later on my face again. They stay with you a few moments of you fighting, before they give up and move on. They are larger and so it is more than a tickle, but a bug on your face! I find them very aggravating and quite powerful to affect my mood, until they are gone. Then I remember that I have to deal with them no more than once a day or two.