Friday, December 31, 2010

Israel 2010 Sea of Salt

As we begin to descend into the hills, which sounds conflicting, but that is the case, I am nervous. The curves are treacherous and unforgiving, as I spot a couple of vehicles below proving my point. My husband is confident and does not want to hear neither my fussing or the sucking in of air as my heart forces blood through my veins at the same speed it would if I was to skip over the rail.
Finally he slows down to appease me, and then all the others must pass us, which they do even in such a situation of curves and dropoffs.
Right in the center of this picture above is a cluster of people on bicycles. A true perspective of me looking out over this cliff/valley.
This water is the most magnificent shade of turquoise, with brilliant whites where it is shallow. The day is overcast with a hope of long overdue rain. The photo does not do it justice. This lake is 422 meters below sea level (1385 ft). This is lower than my husband's descent in a submarine around the world.
This is a public park, complete with showers to rinse the residue of the lake away. It was too cold to go in past the ankles, and yet there were many who did spend a time completely in. I was hoping to go in like I did on the last trip as the floating aspect here is enough for me to complete feel it is therapeutic. A great place to work as a life guard!

The water level is gradually lower and lower. Here channels seem to be carved in to trap and direct the waters together. The color is even more intense as such. The hills beyond the sea, seen in each picture is Jordan.