Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Israel 2010 Arriving In Be'er Sheva

It was great at the airport (Tel Aviv). A couple of areas were familiar from previous visit, enough to make me feel comfortable and confident moving through. Truth be told, I followed the crowd. They knew were their baggage lay in wait. Mine must be there also. It was great to see my husband waiting just past passport check. He was not scheduled to make it in time, but he hurried and we arrive a little late.

I must admit, I fell asleep on our way from Tel Aviv to Be'er Sheva. My husband was driving us, and although I feel his driving can be questionable, I am still used to it. Interestingly, it seems he fits in quite well with the other driving styles here, Ha!

I awoke entering the town. This town is in no way pretentious, which is what I am used to. We have a tendency to decide our safety, our choices of stops, and preferences based on visual aspects, displays, current color trends, and fresh marketing. I find this practically no where. Everything is utilitarian, modest, and almost industrial. Although you cannot help but notice a favoritism to angles in the architecture.

Except for the occassional, but extreme circular buildings, it (odd angles) is almost hidden in plain sight. With some exception, there is most often offset angles hidden within the structure, like windows cascading at a slant, or other such angled elements that we keep straight amid the other elements of design.

Once inside any of these buildings the environment is very pleasing, asthetic, and even artistic, as the building where we ate. The slanted windows become ever so noticable in the artistic sense, surrounded with colors and design elements.

The same is true of our apartment. It is plain, simple and older, nestled in among other dwellings of different sizes and levels in a maze, only to find it fresh, and accepting, with everything a home needs. I question our intent that we must invite visually. Why do we have to prove ourselves as such, when our true character is based on what is inside?

The real charm of our apartment, is the private little yard/patio area with trees and plants, some of which I do not recognize, some I do. A little fruit tree hidden in the corner with fruit exploding all over, which I will examine and taste tomorrow.

While these are my "midnight" ramblings, as it is daytime at home, I must submit to the time zone and force myself to attempt more sleep, so that I can explore the city come daylight.