Wednesday, July 10, 2013

La Romita Italy

Bon journo, from La Romita, Italy.  Yes, this is my second time to Italy, and I have still not logged in all my photos from the first time.  But I am determined to keep up with this trip on a daily basis.
I arrived with my flight landing early!  That was a good sign.  At least the airport was familiar.  Familiarity breeds calmness.  Being our first/evening,  we spent the time introducing, getting familiar, and a quick visit into town.  La Romita is an artist retreat with various teachers and instructors leading intensive workshops.  This place inspires me to revisit all my lists of things to do.  There are so many creative ideas I will be borrowing...


 This is a view of our living area from the garden.



 This is inside the sanctuary, now a lab.  Beautiful artwork is still in place and much of everything is original from the days of the monks.


This is a small place in the floor, with the letter S which once was a opening to the the crypt of bones...

I will come back with more of the history.